ICU Ventilator 590P
Technical specifications of the ventilator Model 590P
Tidal volume : 20~2500ml
Respiratory rate : 4~100bpm (used in VCV & PCV & PRVC) 1~40bpm (used in V-SIMV & P-SIMV & PRVC-SIMV)
Inspiration time : 0.1~12s
Inspiratory pause time : 0~4s
FiO2 : 21%~100%
Trigger sensitivity : Pressure (-2~0kPa, above PEEP) Flow (0.5~20LPM, with base flow)
PEEP : 0~5kPa
Psupport : 0~6kPa
Pcontrol : 0.5~6kPa
E-sense : 5%~80%
Suction : Maximum 2min
Inspiratory hold : Yes
Expiratory hold : Yes
Manual inspiration : Yes
Waveform freeze : Yes
Nebulizer : 30 minutes
Key lock : Yes
Pressure values : Pplat; Ppeak, Pmean, PEEP
Volume/Flow values : VTI, VTE, MV, MVspont
Time values : ftotal, fspont, I:E
Oxygen monitoring : O2 sensor
Real time curves : Pressure-Time, Flow-Time, Volume-Time, Pressure-Volume loop, Flow-Volume loop
Respiratory mechanics, dynamic and static compliance, resistance, auto PEE
.MV high, MV low, Paw high, Paw low, Peep High; Peep low. Airway pressure continue high, VTE low, VTE high, fspont high, Tapnea, FiO2 low, FiO2 high, Power supply failure, Nebulizer on, Battery low, Battery exhausted, Air supply failure, O2 supply failure, Air & O2 supply failure, Fan Block, Pipe block, Circuit disconnected
Technical data
Screen : 12.1”TFT color touch screen (detachable)
Gas supply : O2, Air (All gas must be medical level), 0.28~0.6MPa
Power supply : AC110~240V, 50Hz-60Hz, 65VA
Internal battery : >1 hour work time
Maximum security pressure : 8kPa
Compliance : 4mL/100Pa
Noise : 65dB (A)
Communication interfaces : RS232 port, VGA port, Nurse call
Dimensions (H×W×D) : 400×303×250 mm
Weight : 15kg