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RioALTO is your best supply partner for carbon products. Injection Coke, Charge Coke, Calcined Petroleum Coke.

1- Charge Coke

Charge Coke technical specification 

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2- Metallurgical Coke

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3- Injection Coke (Anthracite Fines)

Pulverized Coal Injection (PCI)

Pulverized Coal Injection (PCI) is a process that involves blowing large volumes of fine coal granules into the BF. This provides a supplemental carbon source to speed up the production of metallic iron, reducing the need for coke production. As a result energy use and emissions can be reduced.


Anthracite and Coal originates from territories in CIS countries Ukraine, Russia and Kazakhstan. Thanks to our close ties with the main Anthracite Producers, we are able to provide seamless solutions for supplying and accessing coal products.

Physical Characteristics​

3- Injection Coke (Anthracite Fines)

Pulverized Coal Injection (PCI)
PCI is a process that involves blowing large volumes of fine coal granules into the BF. This provides a supplemental carbon source to speed up the production of metallic iron, reducing the need for coke production. As a result, energy use and emissions can be reduced.


Anthracite and Coal originate from territories in CIS countries Ukraine, Russia, and Kazakhstan. Thanks to our close ties with the main Anthracite Producers, we are able to provide seamless solutions for supplying and accessing coal products.

Physical Characteristics​

4- Petroleum Coke

There are at least four basic types of petroleum coke, namely, needle coke, honeycomb coke, sponge coke and shot coke. Different types of petroleum coke have different microstructures due to differences in operating variables and the nature of the feedstock. Significant differences are also to be observed in the properties of the different types of coke, particularly ash and volatile matter contents.

Needle coke, also called acicular coke, is a highly crystalline petroleum coke used in the production of electrodes for the steel and aluminium industries and is particularly valuable because the electrodes must be replaced regularly.

Needle coke is produced exclusively from either FCC decant oil or coal tar pitch.

Honeycomb coke is an intermediate coke, with ellipsoidal pores that are uniformly distributed. Compared to needle coke, honeycomb coke has a lower coefficient of thermal expansion and a lower electrical conductivity.

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5- Calcined Petroleum Coke

Calcined petroleum coke is a high purity carbon material produced by heating green petroleum coke to drive off moisture, volatile matter, and impurities and to increase its electrical conductivity.


The aluminum industry is the biggest consumer of calcined petroleum coke, with 80% of the demand for this carbon material.


The balance of 20% of calcined coke demand originates from the steel and chemical industries, mostly as recarburizer and the manufacture of titanium dioxide pigment.

Physical Characteristic             Guaranteed Value 


Fixed Carbon                                     97.0% Min

Ash                                                       0.8% Max

Moisture                                              0.2% Max

P                                                           0.2% Max

S                                                           0.7% Max

Volatile Matter (VM)                           0.5% Max​

Particles Size (0-1 mm)                       95% Min


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Thermal coal, also known as steam coal, is used for power and heat generation. In electricity generation, thermal coal is ground to a powder and fired into a boiler to produce heat, which in turn converts water into steam. The steam powers a turbine coupled to an alternator, which generates electricity for the power grid. The steam cools down as it turns the turbine generator and is condensed back to pure water, and the process repeats. In modern coal plants, the steam is kept at extreme temperatures and pressures at all times to increase the efficiency of the power plant.

Our coal trading business is spearheaded by a team of experienced personnel owning strong local expertise and well-developed relationships across the coal value chain from the ground up to the end buyer.​


We source our thermal coal directly from a selected number of Russian, South African, and Indonesia’s largest and most well-established coal producers. We serve coal users in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia operating across various industries, with a primary focus on GCC countries which is one of the world’s largest coal users of thermal coal areas.

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ADB - Air-Dried Basis: In coal sample analysis, ADB neglects the presence of moistures other than inherent moisture while DB (dry-basis) leaves out all moistures, including surface moisture, inherent moisture, and other moistures.


ARB - As-Received Basis: In coal sample analysis, ARB puts all variables into consideration and uses the total weight as the basis of measurement. ARB is the most widely used basis in industrial applications.

Ash content - Ash content is the non-combustible residue that remains after coal is burnt. Ash reduces handling and burning capacity, affects combustion efficiency and boiler efficiency, and therefore increases handling costs.


ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials


GAR - Gross As Received: Thermal coal is quoted on a GAR basis, except for Europe/ARA, Richards Bay 6,000 kcal/kg, and Japan and Korea West CIF, which are quoted on a NAR (Net As Received) basis.

Fixed carbon - Fixed carbon is the solid combustible residue that remains in the furnace after the volatile matter is distilled off, comprised mostly of carbon but also containing some hydrogen, oxygen, sulphur, and nitrogen not driven off with the gases. It provides a rough estimate of the heating value of coal.


HGI: The relative ease with which coal can be pulverised depends on the strength of the coal and is measured by the Hardgrove Grindability Index (HGI). This empirical test indicates how difficult it would be to grind a specific coal to the particle size necessary for effective combustion in a pulverized coal-fired boiler.


Inherent moisture: Inherent moisture (or bed moisture) means moisture that exists as an integral part of the coal seam in its natural state, including water in pores, but excluding that present in macroscopically visible fractures. 


Sulphur: Sulphur content in coal presents problems with utilization and resultant pollution, as it causes corrosion and fouling of boiler tubes, and atmospheric pollution when released in flue gases. 


Total moisture: Total moisture in coal is represented by measuring weight loss from aggressive drying in an air atmosphere under rigidly controlled conditions of temperature, time and airflow. The presence of moisture is an important factor in both the storage and the utilization of coal, as it adds unnecessary weight during transportation, reduces the calorific value, and poses some handling problems.


Volatile matter: Volatile matter is the material that is driven off when coal is heated to 950 °C in the absence of air under specified conditions. It consists of a mixture of gases, low-boiling-point organic compounds that condense into oils upon cooling, and tars. In general, coals with high volatile-matter content ignite easily and are highly reactive in combustion applications.

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